Show Me The Security!

We have dedicated an entire track to more detailed demonstrations, hands-on, and just more time to talk about how things really work.

This is an opportunity for you to show everyone more than just some slides. Think of it as a security science fair.

  • Show how to use your favorite tool in Kali from beginning to end
  • Perform some static analysis on a code sample and then correct an example vulnerability
  • Don’t just talk about reading net-flow logs but show people what tools to use and what to look for
  • Run through your own top 20 security list for securing containers
  • Securely configure that home switch the way you are supposed to
  • Open that Bluetooth door lock
  • Intercept some airwaves and show people why this area of security is even more important than evert
  • Bring in your favorite hardware

We want a half a dozen presenters to have a very short presentation to tell everyone what they will be demonstrating then spend the rest of the day showing off. It will be a chance to mingle and talk to people who are passionate about what they do while they are doing it.

So if you have something to show enter our Call For Papers right away. If you have questions for us about your idea drop us a note at or DM us at @BsidesCHA .

Don’t Forget

Don’t forget to follow us on @BsidesCHA and watch this blog for more updates.

BSides Chattanooga April 18th, 2020.

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